21.3.2020, Mistress Diary
Mistress hat es schon lange mit Orten. Mit Städten und Flüssen. Neben Menschen und geliebten Körpern vermisst Mistress heute Wald. Die letzten drei Wochen waren eine unsichtbare Reise. Sie merkt erst nach jedem Schritt, dass er passiert ist.
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15.3.2020, Mistress Diary
Heute hat Mistress viele Gefühle und weiß nicht wohin damit. Rausgehen, das erste Eis des Jahres holen und in die Sonne schauen ist ein guter Plan. Wenn ab morgen die Eisläden zu sind, ist mit kalten Fingern Eis essen ein ausgezeichneter Plan.
13.3.2020, Mistress Diary
Während draußen im großen Maßstab sozialer Rückzug modern wird, ist Mistress zuhause am Kräfte sammeln. Am passende, beklemmende Bücher fertiglesen. Sie stellt sich ein auf eine Welt, die seltsam bleibt. Sie sorgt sich um die Nähe.
Zamhalten, loves.
3.8.2017, Mistress Diary
Mittagsschlaf ist auch nicht mehr das, was es mal war.
1.8.2017, Mistress Diary
Mistress hasn’t been in the office that much recently. It’s summer. Adventures and working inbetween. Pushing the sleeping time. Today she wants to go swimming. The city is gleaming from the heat.
20.6.2017, Mistress Diary
Mistress prokrastiniert eine Stunde für einen Telefonanruf.
22.5.2017, Mistress Diary
More than being told that she is great and beautiful, Mistress wants to be seen the way she is. (It is flattering though and lovely to hear.)
16.5.2017, Mistress Diary
Mistress leaves the house without a coat this morning for the first time this year.
11.5.2017, Mistress Diary
When Mistress spends her evening home, it often looks like this.
2.5.2017, Mistress Diary
Favourite clothes and getting things forward and baking a cake and drawing.
25.4.2017, Mistress Diary
Mistress was good until breakfast. Then everything took too long and her eyeliner smudged the wrong way and when she finally, finally would be ready to leave she noticed she forgot her macbook charger at university yesterday. In another city.
And a big job to solve today. And her birthday coming up. And that itchy feeling in her throat that might means getting a cold (or not). And the lines she wants to draw don’t come out clearly, either.
23.3.2017, Mistress Diary
Also, in Warsaw Mistress stepped into dog poop twice.
2.2.2017, Mistress Diary
Some days, you need songs like blankets to wrap yourself in. One of Mistress’ friends moves to what feels like the farthest place there is and they won’t see each other before she leaves.
1.2.2017, Mistress Diary
Mistress has always preferred doing things alone than not at all. She has been going to concerts on her own forever. Yesterday a friend left her wondering, saying this sounded sad. Sometimes it is. Sometimes it isn’t. There is magic and sadness in doing things alone.
31.1.2017, Mistress Diary
Mistress knows that it’s not true, still – the 3+ years she has been working from home feel like hiding now.
6.1.2017, Mistress Diary
One of the things on Mistress’ list this year is to re-read all Harry Potter books. Finished n°1 today and cried a little.
17.2.2016, Mistress Diary
Mistress hasn’t been drawing for ages. She moved. The new home makes a happy heart. Her grandma died and it got clouded again. Now she tries to get back to a pattern.
15.11.2015, Mistress Diary
Mistress wants to go to a market in the afternoon but needs to get some illustration work done before. The rain outside sets the mood to a calm november sunday. Mistress’ mind is overshadowed by what happened in Paris friday night – and what happens in Europe, like, building (kind of) fences and closing borders. This scares her.
PS: Wondering if the train connection to Munich is still down? Just another thing that happened and that disconnects neighbouring countries. Allies. A Union.
21.10.2015, Mistress Diary
During summer, Mistress loves wearing the same dresses over and over. Right now, it sucks wearing the same sweaters all the time for not freezing.
20.10.2015, Mistress Diary
Mistress easily shows her home on the internet: On her blog. The ikea magazine. Recently even the TV was in for a visit. But she worries about taking someone home. Makes her feel a) lonely and b) totally stupid.
1.10.2015, Mistress Diary
Keeping some precious time off to live and wonder and not being overwhelmed.
30.9.2015, Mistress Diary
Right now, work is more about meetings and decisions than doing the work. After a few days at home, Mistress is back to her regular Wing Chun training. The kindest people and so much motivation ♥
Again, looking for a routine for the weeks to come.
29.9.2015, Mistress Diary
These days, when Mistress can’t fall asleep, she wishes that something real would happen. (Can someone please take away my phone and hold me tightly till I sleep?)
You can listen to Lost Name’s «Forward», too. It’s been on my mind all day. —via Melodica Festival Vienna
There’s one step left / then I will break / just one step forward / just one mistake
9.5.2015, Mistress Diary
Saturday morning: Mistress is listening to the Shirley Bassey record she got from her dad and gives her everyday bike a little makeover.
30.1.2015, Mistress Diary
Mistress needs something to make her look and feel strong and beautiful.
1.1.2015, Mistress Diary
It is night again. Mistress goes for a walk, fighting the headache left from new years eve. She spent it with kind, lovely & cool people in Vienna.
4.12.2014, Mistress Diary
The sun came out, for the first time in days. Mistress is on her way to Linz, but wants to stay on that train and keep traveling.